So it's now 2024, my photography veered in another direction nearing the end of last July, learning astrophotography. It seemed to suit me, since I am a night owl staying up late editing photos and what not. This intrigued me and it took a little to grasp the Milky Way, getting all the details, learning new settings, and finding locations, etc... I installed apps on my I phone so I could find the location in the sky, searching for darker areas with less light pollution. Milky ways are only shot when the moon is not present, so you can capture the details in all it's glory with a tripod and slow shutter speed. So this was the first this year, which was low across the sky before it turned vertical, as it rises throughout the night and the season. It starts in the southeast early spring and moves across more to the south. This was near my house and somewhat dark location on a gravel road, not as dark as I would like, but since it was the first of the season, after a very clouded winter, I was just happy to get back out and photograph at night. Each place is so unique and different than the next. The night life is quiet and full of nocturnal nature. :)
Settings: Nikon D750 35mm f2.8 15" 640 ISO Edited in Adobe Lightroom